Online Brand Protection

Protect your brand in online marketplaces.

We are specialists in online brand protection

Our Brand Protection service provides essential information to safeguard your online brand image. With cutting-edge technology, you get a detailed analysis of your brand's online usage and that of your competitors across various e-commerce platforms. Protect your intellectual property and ensure the integrity of your brand with our advanced tools.


Pulpou Brand Protection Central is the best tool to navigate and audit online markets in a centralized, orderly and collaborative way.

With our assistance technology to identify IP infringements, you will be able to make decisions quickly and request the removal of those publications that affect your brand.

Pulpou Online Brand Protection is the most efficient technology to audit and request the removal of publications that infringe property intellectual of your brand.

Collaboration with your team to improve auditing results

Share messages in listings with your whole team, divide tasks, sites and brands so that they can all cover broader and complementary searches.

Centralize complaints with those who must make the final decision on which publications should be removed.

In which marketplace do you want to protect your brand today?

We intervene the most important online sales sites in the world and social networks allowing you to view additional information that you can see with the naked eye.

We will alter the publications you browse and inform you about complaints sent to that seller, you can leave notes with your team, mark publications as suspect for further review or request removal immediately.


Identify conflictive sellers and track their activity

We will alert you to those listings that come from sellers flagged as conflicting.

Focus your audit efforts on those sellers that continually damage your brand.

On the other hand, you can also identify trusted sellers and avoid auditing their listings.

Custom takedown notice templates

With Pulpou Online Brand Protection you can build your own complaint templates.

In the language you want and oriented to be sent to both the online sales site and the seller.

Create different templates for the different removal request stages.

Focus only on what's really important

Focus only on the details that matter.

Sites are invaded by distractions like banners, specials, advertisements, and more.

Our platform removes all those annoying elements and allows you to focus on the publications that they should attend.

Create and send unsubscribe requests in very simple steps.

Once the violations have been identified, you can add them to the complaint management system where you can create PDFs ready to send to each site or to the sellers involved.

These PDFs will be based on your own complaint templates where all the information about your brand, representation will be displayed. legal, intellectual property rights and a detailed description of those publications from which you wish to request the cancellation.

Everything in the language you want.

Once the complaints have been sent by email to the respective recipients, you can follow up on each case and even share notes with your work team.

PulpoU online BRAND PROTECTION faqs

Is Pulpou Online Brand Protection a platform that is accessed online or is it a software that is installed?
It is a web browser that can be installed on computers with Windows and Mac operating systems.

You can browse the web as if it were Google Chrome or Firefox, but with all the advantages of seeing the experience of viewing publications on eCommerce sites enhanced, being able to have much more information about those products offered and their sellers.
All sites are altered by the browser?
We have an increasingly extensive list of the most important marketplaces in the world.

We will enable in your account those sites that are important for your brand and you hire. Likewise, the software is still a web browser that will allow you to visit all types of websites.

Those sites that you do not have enabled in your account will simply not be altered with additional information.
How is the takedown process?
Once one or more listings with infractions have been identified, they are added to a complaint case management tray.In this section, we can create withdrawal request PDFs using templates pre-assembled by you, they can contain all types of brand information, intellectual property rights, include information on registrations, contact details, etc. The platform will automatically include in these templates all the information related to the publications to be reported.

Photo, title, url, reason for unsubscription, etc. With a simple click you can create a PDF with an unsubscribe request that contains one publication or hundreds of them.

Depending on how the unsubscribe request text is formulated, it can be oriented to send the request to the seller or to the site.

That is the interesting thing about the templates, because they even allow us to define different stages of complaint and recipients as we need to raise the case.
How do I report posts from accounts on Instagram?
The advantage that our software acts as a web browser is that you can enter your personal or work account on Instagram and follow all the profiles you want to analyze in the same way that you do from your cell phone.

Whether they are private or not, you can follow them and request access authorization.

Once you see their account contents and posts, you can mark those publications that affect your brand and create unsubscribe requests.
Can I report publications and request their removal from any marketplace?
Most of the online sales sites that offer third-party products have brand protection programs to which you must be registered before you can send complaints.

To register they usually request brand information, registration documents and demonstrate the rights of the complainant about said records.
How does team audit work?
With Pulpou Online Brand Protection you will be able to incorporate users to your work team to be able to divide tasks and interact in a very efficient way.

Some members can dedicate themselves to browsing sites and identifying infractions, being able to add them to a Bucket (review bucket) so that later who is responsible for sending unsubscribe requests can decide if they are really reportable publications and create the report.

In the process, all team participants can leave notes associated with the publications and reports, to exchange opinions and comments on each particular case.

Something very important and powerful offered by the platform for teamwork is the possibility of viewing in real time the interventions by our team that are carried out on the sites, if for example someone from our team marks a publication as reported, everyone will see this publication marked in red on their screens so it will avoid them have to go and audit it in the future.

This significantly streamlines the process and avoids unnecessary time being spent re-analyzing and auditing posts already seen by ourselves or members of our team.
There is a marketplace that is conflicting for my brand, can you add it to the list of interesting sites?
You can send the request to our team and we will consider it to add it to our list of sites.

We want to meet you, we are waiting for you at our booth.

We are pleased to announce that finally the annual IACC 2021 event will be held in person in the city of Orlando, United States in mid-December.

More info about the event.

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